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are you currently pregnant, thinking about having a baby soon, or have had a baby and are looking for a chiropractor? If you are, you are looking in the right place!

Welcome to Dr. Valerie Chiropractic! Dr. Valerie focuses on providing superior chiropractic care before, during and after pregnancy for you and your growing family. Making chiropractic an essential part of your prenatal and postpartum care will allow you to experience a more comfortable and healthy pregnancy, labor, delivery, and postpartum period.


There are many benefits of chiropractic care in pregnancy

  • Maintain a healthier pregnancy
  • Establish balance in the pelvis
  • Reduce intra uterine constraint and stress on supporting ligaments
  • Helps you stay more comfortable
  • Avoid and/or relieve back and other pains
  • Prepare your body for labor and delivery
  • Reduce the likelihood of experiencing back labor
  • Help reduce the time of labor and delivery
  • A balanced pelvis promotes optimal fetal positioning

Regular chiropractic care can safely continue up until the time of birth!

Contact Dr. Valerie today to begin chiropractic care for a more pleasant pregnancy experience, naturally.





Inside of South Coast Midwifery

6817 Quail Hill Parkway
Irvine CA 92603

Office Hours

Mondays and Thursdays